Thursday, October 29, 2020

Let's GO!!!!!!

 Ok, let's get back to this. It was a crazy spring to end the school year. Then summer was great, but I live in beautiful northern Michigan! So, how could I complain about summer? Well, it was a packed touristy summer to say the least, but still plenty of room for all of us to enjoy the lakes and rivers. 

But now we are back to school. Back to the classroom (my school is F2F with option to go online). Back to paint, pencils, photography, and yearbook. Back to being with the students! It is nice to be with them again, even if we have to wear masks. But masks, well, it gets gross inside my mask after trying to project my voice during lessons. Sometimes it makes my nose itch. Sometimes it makes my nose burn. Sometimes I have headaches. But we are here, trying to do what we can for our kiddos. Trying to help with their mental health, while teaching curriculum, keeping them engaged. 
Bye for today.

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