Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Senior Art Class,

Where do you get your personal strength from?
Here is your reflection image for today. Please write your reflection  -no less than 2 sentences- in the comment section below.

(I find these images on Pinterest and Pin them to a board titled Journal Prompts - here)


  1. have good friends that are going to help you through life. Dont have friends that are going to put you down and make you fail.

  2. If you have friends that have a negative outlook on things then you'll have a negative outlook on things.If you have friends with a positive outlook on things then you'll more likely have a positive outlook on things.

  3. Be around people who are going to bring the best out of you. Finding the strength to do whats best for you

  4. I agree. people who bring me down just make me mad, and I wanna punch them in the throat. but i'm not allowed to, so I stick o insults.

  5. The people that you hang out with will have an influance on how you make the choices that you makke cause sometimes you make bad choices because of the person that ur hanging out with so hang out with the right people

  6. I like this post. I have been told this post threw out my hole life.

  7. You should not hang around people who put you down. you should be prepared to purge yourself of those who put you down.

  8. I surround myself with good people. I don't surround with bad people. Bad people have bad effects on you.

  9. If you hang around with the wrong people, you soon begin to act like those people. So surrond yourself with people u want to be like and eventually u will become like them.

  10. Surround yourself with good role models so you aren't guilty by association. Be around the people who will be good influences on you.

  11. If you surround yourself with bad people, then you are never going to go anywhere. Bad people create more bad people.

  12. what the qoute is trying to say is, have friends that are always postive around everything around them, along with thier other friends and family. if you have friends that are very negative about everything around them, you need to let them go, otherwise you will become what they are.

  13. i feel like other people need to really realize what this means. most people dont know how to say no.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Getting personal strength can come from other aspects as well, such as hobbies. But people are in the lead for influencing others.

  16. A powerful quote...but necessarily true all the time? Not in my opinion. My question is, Do you have the strength to become who YOU really are even in a situation where even you're true friends aren't the people you want to be like. Doesn't change you. Or at least it shouldn't....Be you, not them.

    1. Even if you are the "good influence" it seems it might get difficult to continuously be the person to influence everyone else. I understand what you are saying that you should be who you are no matter who you are around, but if the people you choose to be around are making bad choices it might get irritating to constantly say no and have to explain why you are saying no, and trying to get them to make better choices. Or it seems you will often run into situations where you have to say, "no, I don't do that kind of thing" and then go somewhere else because you aren't going to participate in whatever it is that they are doing because you are still trying to be you. Just thinking.....

  17. LOVE this! It doesn't make sense to surround yourself with negative people, does it? If you want to be a happy & positive person, you should surround yourself with happy and positive people.

  18. This is true in most cases. Some people are not easily infulienced and just like to have friends even if they are good or bad.

  19. Mainly, this happens when your around different people. It can be whether your around adults so your more respective. You could be around your friends and cursing uncontrollably or not following the rules.

  20. that's true. the way you surround certain friends can make an impact of what you are and what you will become later
