Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chill and have some milk and cookies.......

Dearest Seniors,

Here is your post for today.


  1. First.
    I mean yes it would be nice to have cookies and milk everyday, but I don't really like sweetest or cookies. Also I will take that nap anytime, naps make life so much better :)

  2. around three o'clock is when my day gets really busy with volleyball practice then cross country right after so I would love a nap right about then =)

  3. Maybe everyone would be a little less irate. But i am thinking more like right about MATH time. Fourth hour, That's when i am my most irritated, tired and cranky....I wooonder why :p

  4. Can we, please? That would just be amazing! No cares in the world! Just a nice glass of milk and some delicious cookies...mmmmm. Sounds so good. :)

  5. the world would be almost perfect. except Courtney Love would still be alive.

    1. well that's just a little rude!

    2. You obviously don't know who Courtney Love is then, because that is a perfectly accurate.

  6. I agree with having cookies and milk,but not with taking a nap. The more I sleep the grouchier I am. But that may be different for other people.

  7. I guess it couldn't hurt lol. this reminds me of a certain friend of mine, she's really obsessed with cookies 24/7

  8. i think the world would be grate with cookes and milk at that time. i think it would be evean beter during first hour because i want to go back to sleap.

  9. The world would be better but evryone would be taking more naps what if the person can't have dairy products

  10. It would make the day easier and sounds like a good thing. Lets make a change and make that happen.

  11. I think this would be a perfect idea. Instead of 3, it should be every hour in school.

  12. i would eat that cookie and take a nap like a man. that would be the ideal world.

  13. First of all I love cookies and milk. Especially chocolate chip cookies. Naps? I mean who doesnt love them. Especially with a full belly from the milk and cookies. Sounds amazing to me!

  14. I disagree. Even after you have your milk and cookies the world would still be full of problems. Cookies and milk wouldn't solve anything.

  15. No one can be sad when they eat cookies. I feel like that is completely impossible. Have you ever cried while eating a fresh, chocolate chip cookie with a tall glass of milk? Didn't think so.

  16. i love this!! i hope its chocolate milk. the nap would be amazing!! i need a nap anyway....and cookies are always good

  17. I would be just find with that!!! Until I started getting fat

  18. it probably wouldn't be.. people(democrats) would complain if certain people had bigger glasses of milk, and bigger cookies.. then they would start taking chunks of other peoples cookies to give to less fortunate, even though they didn't earn it. the people who got the chocolate chip cookies would be hated by the people who got oatmeal cookies, because oatmeal cookies are disgusting, and chocolate chip cookies are delicious... who's planning on paying for all of these glasses of milk and cookies?? democrats want to raise taxes again?? my biggest concerns of all is whos going to run the world during nap time? do we stop drilling for oil? will we turn off the nuclear power plants once a day during nap time? will there be a punishment for people who don't drink milk, eat cookies, or take a nap? what about people who have medical disorders and require constant medical attention? do we just let them die so a doctor can take a nap?? what about people who cant nap? i find that this would cause a lot of bad things to happen.. i find that the person that said this quote to be a narrow minded, democrat that doesn't like to face reality, so she would like the world to hide behind a childish dream in hopes that it will create some sort of peace.
